Important Statistics on Safe Boating | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Important Statistics on Safe Boating

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    Posted on August 26, 2013 To

    By the numbers
    12,000 Lakes – Minnesota is the “land of 12,000 lakes” rather than the 10,000 lakes promoted on its license plates, with more shoreline than California, Hawaii and Florida combined! Source: Sky Blue Water, Minnesota North Star

    709 Deaths – Boat accidents nationwide killed 709 Americans in 2008, 12 in Minnesota alone. The vast majority of the victims – 90% – drowned and were not wearing a life jacket at the time of the accident. Source: Boating Safety Resource Center, U.S. Coast Guard

    1 per Person – The number of readily accessible, Coast Guard-approved life jackets per passenger you must have on board your boat. Source: Boating, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources