Some Interesting Statistics on Child Care Safety | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Some Interesting Statistics on Child Care Safety

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    Posted on June 12, 2013 To

    By the numbers
    38 States Report – Just 38 states require licensed child care providers to report fatalities to state officials. Child care centers in 12 states and home-based providers in 11 states are not required to report fatalities. There is also no federal reporting requirement. Source: Why Aren’t We Outraged? Children Dying in Child Care Across America, Child Care Aware of America

    4:1 Staffing Ratio – National standards recommend that there be one care provider for every four children aged 13 to 30 months. Ratios increase as the age of the children increases. Source: Choosing a Child Care Center, American Academy of Pediatrics,

    $972 Per Month – Costs vary by location, but parents can anticipate paying $972 per month on average for a baby or toddler at a day care center, and $650 per month for home day care. Source: Childcare Options: Pros, Cons and Cost,