International Search for Missing Malaysia Airlines Plane Continues | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    International Search for Missing Malaysia Airlines Plane Continues

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    Posted on March 9, 2014 To

    Six countries, including the United States, are part of the international search team for the missing Boeing 777-200 airliner that reportedly disappeared Saturday morning over the Gulf of Thailand with 239 passengers aboard. The plane reportedly was flying at about 35,000 feet in non-threatening weather.

    As air and water search crews scour the Gulf as well as the South China Sea, the issue of two passengers boarding Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 has emerged in media reports.

    A team of aviation experts from the United States led by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) was expected to leave for the area Saturday night. The flight left Kuala Lumpur just after midnight Saturday heading for Beijing.

    Oil slicks off the coast of Vietnam have been reported, which may lead for the need for underwater recovery vehicles and tools to determine if the aircraft remains might be underwater.