What to Know About Juul Lawsuits in the U.S. | Clifford Law Offices
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    What to Know About Juul Lawsuits in the U.S.

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    Posted on October 17, 2019 To
    What to Know About Juul Lawsuits in the U.S.

    With the U.S. in the midst of a vaping crisis, we at Clifford Law Offices want to help keep the members of our community as informed as possible about the dangers of e-cigarettes, especially when it comes to young people, and what victims of this industry can do to fight back.

    In recent months, there have been multiple deaths and hundreds of cases of lung injury related to the vaping devices and e-cigarettes made by Juul and other manufacturers. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is considering a ban on flavored e-cigarettes, while some individual states want to ban all e-cigarettes.

    Alarmingly, however, this has not stopped the spread of vaping and e-cigarettes, especially among America’s youths. Millions of teenagers have used an e-cigarette at least once, and they are not always aware that the substance they inhale contains nicotine and other harmful chemicals.

    Both young adults and their parents have filed individual and class-action lawsuits against Juul in recent months, claiming vaping-related injuries as well as addiction due to marketing tactics intentionally aimed at these younger consumers and minors. We will likely see more of these lawsuits, not less, in the coming months.

    What Is Juul?

    Juul is a USB-shaped e-cigarette that delivers nicotine just as a regular cigarette would, only without the tobacco and other carcinogens. According to the company’s website, the battery-powered device uses pods, called “JUULpods,” filled with a liquid formula of glycerol, propylene, natural oils, extracts and flavor, nicotine, and benzoic acid. The device converts this liquid into a vapor the user then inhales.

    The liquid cartridges come in a range of flavors: “fruit medley,” “creme brulee” and “mango,” to name a few.

    Why Is Juul Harmful?

    Juul vapors contain nicotine, a toxic substance that increases blood pressure and heart rate and can contribute to the hardening of artery walls, leading to heart attack. The substance is highly addictive, no matter the product in which it is delivered.

    Juul, in particular, delivers more nicotine than any other e-cigarette on the market and uses nicotine salts, which allow high levels of nicotine to be inhaled more easily. Each JUULpod contains roughly as much nicotine as one pack of cigarettes.

    But according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, roughly two-thirds of Juul users between the ages of 15 and 24 do not know that Juul contains nicotine. For these users, nicotine is especially dangerous because it can harm adolescent brains, which are still developing. Besides affecting things like memory and concentration, nicotine can put young people at a higher risk of future addictions to tobacco and other drugs.

    Juul and other e-cigarettes have other harmful substances besides nicotine. The e-cigarette aerosol, which many claim is a harmless vapor, can contain things like heavy metals, cancer-causing chemicals, and fine particles that can be inhaled deep into the lungs.

    What Are the Lawsuits Against Juul?

    Some of the lawsuits filed against Juul claim vaping-related injuries such as seizures and lung problems, and still others report mouth, hand, and body injuries due to defective Juul devices exploding.

    A growing number of lawsuits have been filed that say Juul failed to disclose how much nicotine its products actually contain, and that teenagers became addicted as a result. Juul says its product is a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes. But as multiple lawsuits allege, they actually deliver higher doses of nicotine.

    Juul also claims it does not market its product to teenagers, but Stanford University researchers analyzed Juul’s first three years of marketing campaigns and found that “Juul’s advertising imagery in its first [six] months on the market was patently youth oriented.” Additionally, Juul’s sleek design and focus on flavors suggest a push on the part of the company to win over younger consumers.

    Reach Out Today

    Clifford Law Offices stands behind the families affected by this crisis and the failure of large companies to responsibly market and manage their products. If you or your child has suffered an injury or developed a nicotine addiction due to the use of Juul e-cigarettes you may deserve compensation. Please reach out to us today to start a conversation.