Keith Hebeisen Speaks at Health Care Outlook Seminar | Chicago Legal Blog
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    Keith Hebeisen Speaks at Health Care Outlook Seminar

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    Posted on October 24, 2018 To

    Keith A. Hebeisen, partner at Clifford Law Offices, will be speaking tomorrow at an all-day seminar in Chicago entitled Health Care Outlook.

    Hebeisen, who has obtained numerous record medical malpractice verdicts and settlements and is an Editor in Chief of the Illinois Trial Lawyers Association Medical Malpractice Trial Notebook, will be discussing “Professional Malpractice and Negligence” tomorrow at the Ivy Room, 10 E. Ohio St, Chicago.

    Moderating the panel are Bob Neiman and Ned Milenkovich of Much Shelist, P.C., hosts of the event.

    Other topics to be addressed throughout the day are Blockchain, the False Claims Act, the opioid epidemic, Medicaid and HIPAA.


    For further information contact Clifford Law Offices Communications Partner Pamela Sakowicz Menaker at 847-721-0909.