Keith Hebeisen to Speak on Maximizing Damages Outside of Cook County | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Keith Hebeisen to Speak on Maximizing Damages Outside of Cook County

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    Posted on January 14, 2016 To

    Keith A. Hebeisen, partner at Clifford Law Offices, will be addressing the Illinois Trial Lawyers Association (ITLA) on “Maximizing Damages Outside of Cook County” at its annual Damages Seminar Feb. 13.

    Hebeisen, who has had several large or record verdicts and settlements outside of Cook County, will be addressing the group at the Westin River North, 320 N. Dearborn, Chicago. The half-day program offers four hours of continuing legal education credit.

    Most recently, Hebeisen, along with associate Sarah F. King, obtained a record $950,000 verdict following a two-week trial in downstate Illinois Ford County. The previous record for a verdict or settlement there was $370,000 reported in 2007. The medical malpractice case involved a heart attack that went undiagnosed after visits to the emergency room and clinic for a 73-year-old man.

    To register for the Damages Seminar, contact ITLA at 800-252-8501 or email by Feb. 1. Admittance at the door is not guaranteed. Continental breakfast is provided.