Megabus Crash in Indiana Injures 27 | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Megabus Crash in Indiana Injures 27

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    Posted on December 21, 2014 To

    Yet another Megabus incident reportedly has left more than two dozen people injured as it traveled from Chicago bound for Louisville, Kentucky, about 250 southwest of Chicago. The final stop was to be Atlanta, Georgia. The double-decker Megabus reportedly slid off an Indiana highway near Seymour, Indiana, and flipped on its side, injuring some 27 passengers who were taken to local hospitals. It was reported that 70 people were on board. Rescue crews responded at about 5:30 a.m. Saturday (Dec. 20, 2014). The Indiana State Police reported that weather and speed contributed to the incident on Interstate 65. In October, just a few months ago, a Megabus on this route on I-65 was involved in another crash south of Indianapolis that injured several people.