Pam Menaker Authored Article for Chicago Bar Association
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    Pam Menaker Authored Article Recognizing Chicago Bar Leaders of the Last Quarter Century

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    Posted on June 7, 2024 To
    Pam Menaker Authored Article Recognizing Chicago Bar Leaders of the Last Quarter Century

    In 2024, The Chicago Bar Association (CBA) celebrated its 150th anniversary, bringing together some of the Association’s top leadership from the Chicago area to celebrate and honor the growth and legacy of one of the nation’s oldest and most active metropolitan bar associations.

    In conjunction with the celebration, the June 2024 issue of the Chicago Bar Association Record encapsulates the modern history and dynamic growth of the CBA throughout the twenty-first century. Clifford Law Offices partner Pamela Sakowicz Menaker authored an article for this issue titled “CBA 150th Anniversary Celebration: Into the 21st Century, 1999-2024,” which highlights prominent members including Robert A. Clifford, founder and senior partner at Clifford Law Offices, and Past President of the CBA (2011-2012), and Kevin Durkin, partner at the firm as well as Past President of the CBA (2006-2007). Clifford was the inaugural recipient of the CBA’s Robert A. Clifford Champion of Justice Award for his lifelong commitment to the profession and dedication to the CBA, presented at the Association’s celebration on May 10th.

    Pam applauded the Association for its ability to adapt to societal and economic changes over the past 25 years, detailing the development of unique programs and events, educational partnerships, as well as historic events such as the September 11 terrorist attacks and the COVID epidemic.

    “The Association has demonstrated its commitment and capability to stay relevant throughout its 150-year history by supporting lawyers as individuals, by advancing law as a profession, and by serving communities and society as a whole, no matter what the challenges.”

    The full article can be read here.