Top Verdict in Country for Personal Injury Law Firm | Clifford Law
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    Personal Injury Law Firm Garners National Law Journal’s #11 Verdict for 2012

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    Posted on March 5, 2013 To

    March 5, 2013

    Clifford Law Offices’ Chicago Injury Attorneys Recognized

    The National Law Journal recognized the $180 million verdict obtained by the personal injury law firm trial team headed by Robert Clifford as the eleventh top verdict in the country in 2012. Senior partner Clifford, along with partners and Chicago injury attorney, Kevin Durkin, obtained $112 of the $181,139,999 million verdict last May in federal district court in St. Louis. Brian Badgley of Belleville, Illinois, also was part of the trial team that represented two of the three men whose cases were consolidated for trial.

    Clifford Law Offices, a personal injury law firm in Chicago, and its injury attorneys represented two grain bin workers who were burned when an explosion occurred at a bin owned by ConAgra in downstate Illinois. After 10 hours of deliberations, the month-long trial resulted in the record verdict. To view photos from the press conference held at the firm, please visit here.

    The National Law Journal compiles the top 100 verdicts in the country every year. It was published in the March 4, 2013, issue of the newspaper.