Pilot and Flight Nurse Killed in Oklahoma Medical Helicopter Crash; A Third Person is Critically Injured | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Pilot and Flight Nurse Killed in Oklahoma Medical Helicopter Crash; A Third Person is Critically Injured

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    Posted on February 25, 2013 To

    It always seems even more tragic when a medical helicopter crashes because it inevitably involves people who work day and night in an attempt to save lives. The Friday crash in Oklahoma that left two people dead and a third person critically injured did not involve a patient, but the pilot and a flight nurse were killed. The Eurocopter AS 350 helicopter reportedly was on its way to Watonga, Oklahoma, to pick up a patient. The aircraft, which was owned by Wichita-based air medical transport service EagleMed, crashed between a retirement center and a hospital but did not strike the buildings. Several staff members reportedly rushed out to help a third person, and pulled him out just before a second explosion. He was rushed to OU Medical Center in critical condition, according to media reports. A Good Samaritan was treated and released at the scene, according to authorities. The entire Oklahoma area is mourning the two deaths of wonderful people they called “extended family.” A terrible tragedy indeed.