Richard Burke Evaluation of COVID 19 Business Interruption Claims | Clifford Law Offices
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    Richard Burke Evaluation of COVID 19 Business Interruption Claims

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    Posted on May 22, 2020 To

    In this video, Richard Burke, partner at Clifford Law Offices, talks about the initial evaluation of business interruption claims. Click below to watch the video.

    When considering if a client has a business loss insurance claim, an attorney needs to:

    1. Have the client inform the insurance company that they have been affected by COVID-19 and they are intending to make a claim.
    2. The attorney should obtain the policy and review it.
      • The attorney needs to look at what the insurance company considers a covered loss. This often includes physical damage or physical loss to property.
      • If the policy includes loss due to civil authority.
      • Does the policy include exemptions that would make it so that the company would not cover this type of loss?
    3. If the client has received a denial letter, the attorney must receive a copy.
    4. Have the client gather accounting records to establish losses in the company’s income.
    5. Consider what type of actions needs to be taken.

    Watch the ISBA Richard Burke Evaluation of COVID 19 Business Interruption Claims video.