Robert A. Clifford Writes Article Questioning "Early Offer" Programs | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Robert A. Clifford Writes Article Questioning “Early Offer” Programs

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    Posted on August 15, 2014 To

    Robert A. Clifford, Senior Partner at Clifford Law Offices and monthly columnist for the Chicago Lawyer magazine, wrote his October, 2012 column entitled “Granite State, Granite Heart.” In the article, Clifford explains the dangers that come with a new medical malpractice law recently passed by the New Hampshire state legislature. In 2012, New Hampshire became the first state to approve what is known as an “early offer program” pertaining to medical malpractice litigation. Under this type of program, injured patients are allowed to recover only economic damages, such as those for lost wages and medical bill expenses, while noneconomic damages are disallowed. While New Hampshire justifies this loss of rights by claiming that the program “fast tracks” medical malpractice litigation, Clifford warns that injured persons are essentially being bribed into accepting smaller compensation solely because it will come to them sooner. To read Robert Clifford’s complete article on the new medical malpractice laws in New Hampshire, click here.