Robert A. Clifford Writes Column on Need for Professionalism in the Courtroom
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    Robert A. Clifford Writes Column on Need for Professionalism in the Courtroom

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    Posted on March 14, 2023 To
    Robert A. Clifford Writes Column on Need for Professionalism in the Courtroom

    “Time for a Refresh” is the title of the March 2023 column written for the Chicago Lawyer publication by columnist Robert A. Clifford, founder and senior partner of Clifford Law Offices.

    Clifford moderated a panel on “Refresher on Ethics of Trial Work in a Courtroom” in February attended by more than 3,000 lawyers across four states. The program was the 16th annual ethics seminar sponsored by Clifford Law Offices, a continuing legal education (CLE) provider. The column dealt with “proper ethics [that] are paramount during trial work as courtrooms open up” following the COVID pandemic.

    “It boils down to every client being accorded due process with lawyers maintaining ethics and professionalism in the courtroom. If not, misconduct can lead to a malpractice claim,” he wrote in part. Clifford’s article can be found on page 32 of the publication. To read the entire column, click here.