Robert Clifford Writes Article On Data Breaches | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Robert Clifford Writes Article on Data Breaches

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    Posted on June 10, 2014 To

    Robert Clifford, senior partner at Clifford Law Offices, P.C., wrote an article for the April, 2014 edition of the Chicago Lawyer on the hot topic of legal recourse for data breaches entitled, “Time to Take Data Breaches to Court”. In the article, Clifford questions why many large companies include in every sale a cost component that is allocated specifically for technical systems and security that companies claim is necessary to handle large amounts of data provided by consumers, but in the end provide security that is susceptible to large scale breaches. Clifford believes that while Congress is working to remedy the problem, courts may be the appropriate forum for defining the accountability demanded of companies to make them more responsive to growing numbers of data breaches. To read Robert Clifford’s recent analysis of the data breach crises, click here.