Robert Clifford's Video Deposition Advice | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Robert Clifford’s Video Deposition Advice

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    Posted on March 10, 2015 To

    Chicago personal injury attorney, Robert A. Clifford provided specific advice on preparing for a video deposition in his Chicago Lawyer article called, “Skill at Taking Depositions Brings Victories in the Courtroom.” His advice from that article was shared in a recent American Bar Association (ABA) piece titled “Video Depositions: Essentials, Resources.” In the piece Clifford is quoted as cautioning that “long pauses or frequent ‘OK’s. can become aggravating in a recording.” The ABA goes on to recommend using DepPrep, a witness preparation tool to help with video depositions. DepPrep is an electronic tutorial created by LexisNexis that makes it easy to groom witnesses for their recorded depositions. Clifford recently ranked at #76 for the second consecutive year in a row on Chicago Magazine’s Power 100 List of most powerful Chicagoans of 2015. Clifford speaks regularly at webinars and workshops for law school students and experienced attorneys. He was invited by the Illinois Trial Lawyers Association (ITLA) this year to give the closing arguments at their annual Damages Seminar. As founder of Clifford Law Offices, Clifford sponsored and moderated the Continuing Legal Education program, “The Ethics of Conflicts of Interest” webinar this Winter.