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Sarah F. King Spoke at Women Everywhere’s 7th Annual Educational Projects Day

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Posted on May 2, 2016 To

In photo from left to right: Gina Lencioni, Amy Campanelli, Cook County Public Defender, and Sarah F. King, attorney at Clifford Law Offices.

Women Everywhere hosted its 17th annual Educational Projects Day Thursday (April 28th, 2016) where more than 100 female Chicago Public School students took guided tours of the various divisions of the Circuit Court of Cook County and the Northern District of Illinois while engaging in educational presentations with attorneys, judges and court staff. After the tours, Women Everywhere hosted a luncheon for the students at River Roast.

Women Everywhere is a not-for-profit organization comprised of attorneys and judges dedicated to creating opportunities for women through education and community service.

This is the second year Sarah F. King, attorney at Clifford Law Offices, has co-chaired the Women Everywhere planning Committee. Addressing the group at the luncheon, King encouraged students to pursue their dreams stating, “hopefully today we have inspired some of you to pursue careers in the law. It starts today. Make a plan, make connections and build a network.” Before introducing the luncheon’s first guest speaker, Cook County Public Defender, Amy Campanelli, King left the girls with one final piece of advice, “Whatever you choose as your future career do it with passion and confidence!”

Campanelli delivered a heart felt message full of positive affirmations and a childhood story of her mother’s policy of zero tolerance for hate and racial injustice. Campanelli shared her journey to  becoming the second ever female Public Defender despite the naysayers. Campanelli stated, “You can do it!” and encouraged the girls to practice positive self-thought and speech.

Co-Chair Gina Lencioni introduced the luncheon’s second guest speaker, Cynthia Bathurst, Founder and Executive Director of Safe Humane Chicago who spoke of the community connections she utilized to build Safe Humane’s successful  partnerships with government agencies and community members to promote identification, arrest, prosecution, and sentencing of animal abusers, to give abused animals another chance at a good life.

On June 17th, Women Everywhere will host its annual Community Service Day helping women and children in need. If you are interested in volunteering your time, contact Sarah King at