Sarah F. King, partner at Clifford Law Offices, spoke on Trial Trends: Clips & Questionnaires at the Municipal District Advisory Committee Monthly Meeting on Wednesday, March 5, 2025, in Room 1307 of the Daley Center.
King is President of the Women’s Bar Association of Illinois (WBAI). She is also very active in several women-related legal and community activities, including Women Everywhere: Partners in Service Project, which is a collaborative effort coordinating volunteer activities to help women and children throughout Chicago.
In 2024, she was appointed by the Illinois Supreme Court to the Supreme Court Committee on Character and Fitness. The Committee was created in 1971 under Rule 708 and reviews applications of those seeking Illinois law licenses to determine whether each person “demonstrates whether each applicant presently possesses good moral character and general fitness for admission to the practice of law.” She also received an Advocate for Diversity Award from the Diversity Scholarship Foundation in 2024 for her work in promoting DEI. She was a co-founder of the Illinois Trial Lawyers Association (ITLA) Women’s Caucus where she saw it grow from 50 to 300 women. She serves as a member of its Board of Managers and is co-editor of the organization’s Trial Notebook, which is a bible of sorts for all plaintiffs’ practicing attorneys across the state.
The monthly morning meeting is open to judges, lawyers, court personnel, and the public. Lawyers receive one hour of continuing legal education credit for attending.