Sarah King Co-Chairing Women Everywhere’s 20th Anniversary Celebration Honoring Chief Judge Tim Evans | Clifford Law Offices Sarah King Co-Chairing Women Everywhere’s 20th Anniversary Celebration Honoring Chief Judge Tim Evans
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    Sarah King Co-Chairing Women Everywhere’s 20th Anniversary Celebration Honoring Chief Judge Tim Evans

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    Posted on February 6, 2019 To
    Sarah King Co-Chairing Women Everywhere’s 20th Anniversary Celebration Honoring Chief Judge Tim Evans

    Cook County Circuit Court Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans will be given the Steadfast Advocate Award at the Women Everywhere’s 20th Anniversary Celebration February 28th, 2019.

    Sarah F. King, associate at Clifford Law Offices, is Co-Chair of the celebration to be held 5-7 p.m. at Petterino’s, 150 N. Dearborn St., Chicago.

    Tickets are $100 each and sponsorships are available. To purchase tickets, click here.

    Women Everywhere is a non-profit organization made up of volunteer attorneys, judges, bar associations and others in the legal community dedicated to creating opportunities through education and community service for women and children in need.

    Profits from this event will go toward the mission of the organization. For more information, contact King at