Sarah King Participates at Women Everywhere’s Education Day
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    Sarah King Participates at Women Everywhere’s Education Day

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    Posted on April 24, 2015 To

    April 24, 2015

    Sarah F. King, associate at Clifford Law Offices, introduced the speaker, Lori Lightfoot of Mayer Brown, at the Women Everywhere (WE) annual Education Day, Thursday (April 23). King, who serves as co-chair of the Planning Committee along with Kristin Barnette of Krovolec Jambois & Schwartz and Heather Keil of O’Hagan LLC, planned the event that included tours given by Cook County Circuit Court Judges Diane J.Larsen, Marcia Maras, Neera Walsh, Mary Margaret Brosnahan, Michael R. Panter, and Presiding Judge E. Kenneth Wright of the First Municipal District spoke to more than 100 high school girls from the Chicago Public School System.

    The day also included a tour of the state and federal courthouses as well as them participating in a mock trial and observing court activities.

    WE is a not-for-profit organization based in Chicago comprised of attorneys and judges dedicated to creating opportunities for women through education and community service.

    King has been involved with the group for several years, including serving as fundraising chair, contributing her time pro bono to help high school students achieve their educational and career goals.

    Thursday’s luncheon was held at the River Roast restaurant on North LaSalle Street in Chicago.


    For further information, please contact Clifford Law Offices’ Communications Partner Pamela Sakowicz Menaker at 847-721-0909.