Sarah King Receives ITLA Amicus Volunteer Award | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Sarah King Receives ITLA Amicus Volunteer Award

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    Posted on June 9, 2018 To

    Thumbnail image for sarah-f-king.jpgSarah F. King, associate at Clifford Law Offices, received one of the Illinois Trial Lawyers Association (ITLA) William J. Harte Amicus Volunteer Awards for 2018.

    These individuals are recognized for their dedicated volunteer service and professional efforts on behalf of the ITLA Amicus Curiae Committee in preparing legal briefs before the Illinois Supreme Court and appellate courts during the past year.

    King was among five recipients of this award at the annual ITLA membership meeting at the Marriott in Chicago on Friday, June 8. King also is a member of the ITLA Board of Managers and is Co-Chair of the ITLA Women’s Caucus.