Sarah King Writes Article on Jurors Asking Questions | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Sarah King Writes Article on Jurors Asking Questions

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    Posted on April 29, 2015 To

    Sarah F. King, associate at Clifford Law Offices, authored an article on “When Jurors Ask Questions” for the American Bar Association (ABA) Litigation Journal. The article, which appeared in the Spring 2015 issue that is disseminated to some 65,000 lawyers across the country, discussed the issue of Illinois now joining the ranks of nearly 40 other states that permit the use of written juror questions directed to witnesses. King explains her own experience at trial with the judge stopping the proceedings and allowing jurors to ask screened questions, submitting them in writing to the parties and then to the witnesses. She said it sometimes even led to the trial team’s “shift[ing] strategies to focus on issues that were engaging the jury conceptually. We used the facts accepted in the questions to reframe issues that were being misconstrued.” She said she found it eye opening that “jurors were targeting clearly relevant information that helped persuade them to solve this problem in our client’s favor.” Sarah is an experienced writer, having won awards in law school for excellence in Legal Analysis and other classes.