Shannon McNulty's Favorite Fictional Lawyer: Amanda Bonner | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Shannon McNulty’s Favorite Fictional Lawyer: Amanda Bonner

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    Posted on May 30, 2017 To

    Shannon-McNulty.jpgShannon M. McNulty’s favorite fictional lawyer is Amanda Bonner from the 1949 movie, Adam’s Rib, which stars Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn as opposing lawyers in a case involving a husband shot by his wife.

    “The movie’s timing, and the fact of Hepburn portraying a practicing lawyer in the late 40’s is fascinating,” says McNulty. “Amanda’s best trait is one present in all great lawyers: an absolutely unwavering commitment to advocacy on behalf of her client, and an ability to see and develop the written law in relation to the nuances of society as a whole. Lawyers with such abilities challenge our society’s status quo, bring out the best in jurors, and make certain the law is justly implemented for all in society.”

    “Amanda has a pretty good technique on cross, too!,” she adds.