Six Clifford Law Offices Join Public Justice | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Six Clifford Law Offices Join Public Justice

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    Posted on September 20, 2018 To

    Both Shannon McNulty and James Pullos have been appointed to Public Justice’s Class Action Preservation Project (CAPP) committee.

    According to the Public Justice website, “Our Class Action Preservation Project (CAPP) Committee is an exclusive, premier group of class action experts who share ideas, strategy and information about class litigation and efforts to preserve access to the courts. Class action lawsuits are a powerful legal device. Properly used, they are often the only way to achieve justice. Abused, they can impose enormous injustice – and support corporate wrongdoers’ attempts to eliminate them entirely. That’s why our Class Action Preservation Project works so hard to preserve class actions and prevent their abuse.” The CAPP committee meets regularly to discuss items going on in the class action field.

    Four additional Clifford Law Offices attorneys are members of Public Justice:

    • Robert Clifford
    • Henry Simmons
    • Keith Hebeisen
    • Kevin Durkin

    “Public Justice members lend their skill, expertise and resources to preserving the individual’s right to a day in court and to helping ordinary people obtain justice in cases that affect us all,” the Public Justice site states.

    For more information about Public Justice, click here.