Steps to Take After Being Involved in a Motorcycle Accident
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    Steps to Take After Being Involved in a Motorcycle Accident

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    Posted on April 24, 2023 To
    Steps to Take After Being Involved in a Motorcycle Accident

    Motorcycle accidents can cause a broad range of serious injuries due to the nature of the vehicle and the force generated by impact with larger and more protected cars or trucks. Understanding the steps to take after being involved in a motorcycle accident can have a bearing on the success of your claim.

    It should be noted that prioritizing safety and seeking necessary medical attention should be a primary concern following any accident. Due to the challenging nature of motorcycle crashes, speaking to a motorcycle accident attorney is optimal in incidents that result in bodily injury.

    Like any crash, no two motorcycle accidents involve the same logistics or circumstances but there are several general measures that apply to most situations. Here are several steps to keep in mind if you or a family member are involved in a motorcycle accident:

    Call 9-1-1

    Call the police and fire/medical rescue immediately. The police are able to collect and prepare documentation, take statements, interview witnesses, assess damage and fault, as well as issue citations for the at-fault party. Official police reports can play a key role when pursuing a potential case.

    Seek Medical Care

    Brain injury, spinal cord injury, loss of limbs, fractures, and broken bones can be common injuries that result from being involved in a motorcycle accident. Even if injuries are minor, it is important to seek medical attention when paramedics arrive. It is also possible to have sustained injuries that may not be as apparent. If you have any pain, immediately head to the emergency room. Early medical attention and formal documentation of injuries will be helpful in considering potential damages for a case as well as helping you begin the recovery process.

    Take Photographs

    If you are able and it is safe to do so, take photographs of the accident scene and any damage to the motorcycle, or any other vehicles involved, as well as roadway fixtures such as barriers, guardrails, traffic signals, or road signs. It is also important to visually document any injuries such as bruises, cuts, and road rash that can help illustrate the impact of the collision.

    Refrain from Making Insurance Statements

    Be sure to consult an experienced motorcycle accident attorney before providing statements to insurance companies. Attorneys who specialize in complex vehicle cases such as motorcycle accidents are well-versed in the challenges insurance companies pose and can advise you on how to handle aggressive insurance adjustors.

    Stay off Social Media

    Publicizing information or photos of your accident can potentially challenge the validity of your claim down the road. Keep as much of your case as private as possible and consult with your attorney before posting any materials online.

    Contact an Experienced Motorcycle Accident Attorney

    Prioritizing legal assistance from an experienced motorcycle accident attorney after a crash has many benefits including superior guidance and expertise while you recover. The team at Clifford Law Offices possesses decades of experience assembling complex cases that involve detailed investigations, expert witness testimony, and technical animation to deliver exceptional results to their clients.

    How Clifford Law Offices Can Help

    For over 30 years, Clifford Law Offices has represented motorcycle riders severely injured in accidents, holding other drivers and manufacturers accountable for their negligent actions. Our highly experienced motorcycle accident attorneys will fiercely advocate for you and fight for the maximum compensation and answers you deserve.

    If you or a loved one is seeking legal support following a serious motorcycle accident please contact the experienced Chicago motorcycle accident attorneys at Clifford Law Offices by completing our online form.