Will Taxis Become Extinct? Some Interesting Videos on Ride Sharing | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Will Taxis Become Extinct? Some Interesting Videos on Ride Sharing

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    Posted on January 14, 2015 To

    Learn How Uber Connects Riders With Drivers Uber is a transportation networking company (TNC) that connects riders directly with drivers through a downloadable smartphone app and other advanced technologies. See how it works on the Uber YouTube channel. View video.

    Uber Myths“Who’s Driving You” Takes On Ridesharing

    “Who’s Driving You” is an initiative of the Taxicab, Limousine & Paratransit Association that opposes unregulated ridesharing services, such as Uber, and highlights the risks for passengers, drivers and pedestrians. View video.

    Extinct TaxisWill Taxicabs Soon Be Extinct?

    PBS Newshour’s Making Sense is an online program that covers business and economics. Paul Solman reports on how the traditional taxicab could soon be an endangered species thanks to ridesharing services. View video.