Tracy Brammeier Receives 2018 Award for the top 40 Under 40 Attorneys in Chicago | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Tracy Brammeier Receives 2018 Award for the Top 40 Under 40 Attorneys in Chicago

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    Posted on May 9, 2018 To

    Thumbnail image for Brammeier_4304 (1) copy.jpgTracy Brammeier, associate at Clifford Law Offices, received the 2018 Award for the top 40 Under 40 Attorneys in Chicago by the Law Bulletin Publishing Company.

    Recently, she obtained, along with partners Robert Clifford and Kevin Durkin, a record $35 million settlement on behalf of a woman who was severely injured in a bus accident after about a week into the trial at the Cook County Circuit Court.

    Tracy works to ensure quality and integrity of the justice system as an investigating member of the Chicago Bar Association’s Judicial Evaluation Committee.

    She also gives back to the community through her work with the 100 Club of Chicago, a not-for-profit organization that assists the families of police officers and firefighters throughout Cook and Lake Counties, by providing a legal resource following the death of a loved one killed in the line of duty. Tracy also volunteers with the Chicago Bar Association Young Lawyers Section program Wills For Heroes, which prepares basic wills for Chicago and Illinois State police officers.