Unsafe Playgrounds & Spotting The Hazards | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Unsafe Playgrounds & Spotting the Hazards

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    Posted on July 23, 2013 To

    The summer months are a great time for children to enjoy their time off from school and play on playground equipment. The only issue is that there are quite a few unsafe playgrounds. Knowing more about playground safety and what that means can better ensure that children continue having fun and parents can worry less. What exactly ensures the greatest playground safety? Playground Safety Checklist The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has a checklist of what to look for when around a public playground. Here are some of the important factors to take into consideration when looking for unsafe playgrounds:
    1. Make sure there are no sharp edges or hardware (bolts, hooks or the like) that are exposed and pose a safety hazard.
    2. Check for wood chips, pea gravel, sand, mulch, or mats made of rubber around the play equipment.
    3. Are play structures above 30 inches spaced more than 9 feet apart?
    4. Check for guardrails on equipment that help children with their balance while playing.
    5. Look for tripping hazards like exposed roots or tree stumps and also check for gaps in the equipment in which children could be trapped.

    Using the above directions, while also keeping a close watch over children on the playground, can better ensure playground safety and help avoid the dangers of unsafe playgrounds. Have you or someone you know been affected by unsafe playgrounds? Clifford Law Offices handles a variety of personal injury cases including faulty equipment.