Update: Advocate Medical Breach of Privacy | Clifford Law Offices PC
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    Update: Advocate Medical Breach of Privacy

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    Posted on October 8, 2013 To

    Many aspects of the litigation against Advocate are underway. Although many of Advocate’s patients have received letters, some patients have been allegedly victimized without having been aware of the data breach. Some patients state that they have not received letters, but their data was allegedly stolen. To address that issue, we have filed a motion in which we seek to have Advocate publish in the newspapers information concerning the data breach. The intention is to increase public awareness, so that both consumers and businesses can be on-guard for suspicious activity. Additionally, we have filed a motion for class certification. Advocate can either consent to the motion, or object to the motion. In either instance, in accord with Supreme Court Rule, the court will evaluate the characteristics of this case, so as to ensure that the case is suitable for class certification. Litigation takes time. Many of you have inquired as to the time frame of this case. Please understand that there is no specific answer to that question, however, the Court is inclined to manage cases as efficiently as possible. That said, just as we are entitled to file our case and supply evidence, Advocate is entitled to defend its case and supply evidence. True justice cannot be rushed. Be assured that we will handle this matter with efficiency. We believe that the patients are entitled to, and we seek, timely relief for a situation that poses a high-risk situation with potentially adverse outcomes.