Words of Wisdom for Law School Graduates
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    Words of Wisdom for Law School Graduates

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    Posted on June 18, 2021 To
    Words of Wisdom for Law School Graduates

    A heartfelt congratulations to those of you who are graduating from law school this year and to those who have recently passed the bar! The study of law is no easy feat, but you faced a larger challenge than any other law school class, that of continuing your education through a worldwide pandemic. And still, you persevered. 

    As you get ready to embark on your career in the legal profession, we would like to share words of wisdom from our attorneys at Clifford Law Offices.

    Our attorneys have over 100 years of combined experience and have seen many facets of lawyer life.

    We hope that you take some (or all!) of these tips to heart and remember them along the path of your journey as a lawyer. 

    • “Get involved, but do it for the right reasons: to help others, to learn, to network.” – Robert A. Clifford, Founder and Senior Partner
    • “Don’t be afraid to ask questions.  View it as a sign of security, not insecurity. You want to be right.” – Pamela M. Menaker, Communications Partner
    • Make your mental health and physical wellbeing a top priority. If you are overworked, overstressed, and not taking care of your needs, you will not be at your best for your clients, family, and friends.” – Erin Clifford, Partner
    • “Be everywhere networking.” –Keith A. Hebeisen, Partner
    • “The practice of law is just that: practice. Always strive to work hard and seek out challenges on a daily basis.” –James C. Pullos, Partner
    • Don’t send an email that you would not want on the front page of the newspaper.” –Keith A. Hebeisen, Partner
    • “If you want to do trial work, make it a habit to stop into any courtroom that has a trial in progress. You will always quickly learn some practical and procedural tips about real world litigation that will serve you well in your own cases.” –Richard F. Burke, Partner
    • “Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Asking questions provides you the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues and may save you some embarrassment!” –Craig J. Squillace, Partner
    • After writing a legal memo, turn it into the article you wished you had read at the start of your research on the issue.” –Kristofer S. Riddle, Associate

    If there is only one tip that you take away from this article, let it be this one from Bob Clifford, “While the law will let your dreams come true, always make time for family and friends.” 

    Congratulations Graduates!